Placer County DPW
Roseville, CA
Complete 2021
Construction Cost
$40 Million (Estimated)
Caltrans, City of Roseville, USDFW
The Walerga Road Bridge Replacement over Dry Creek project involves the construction of new 5 span, cast‐in‐place
(CIP) post‐tensioned, reinforced concrete box‐girder bridge that measures 100.5 feet wide and 513.5 feet long. The bridge is founded on 48‐inch diameter CIP reinforced concrete columns that are supported by Type II, 96‐inch cast‐in‐drilled‐hole (CIDH) piles.
PreScience provided construction management and inspection services. Inspection performed on structural elements includes bridge demolition; CIDH pile wet hole and oscillator construction methods, falsework erection and removal; trenching & shoring; finish grade deck elevations; concrete mix designs; lines and grades; reinforcement and miscellaneous metals; waterline and utilities. Other duties performed to ensure contract compliance and timely and accurate reporting were: daily diaries, project photos, material releases, concrete pour records, reinforcement placement records, CIDH pile placement records, safety reviews, verify crane operator certifications, SWPPP BMP inspection; in‐water work compliance monitoring and bid item quantities records for monthly progress payments.
The County put emphasis on completing the project five months ahead of schedule. PSC led the partnering efforts between the Contractor, Caltrans, and regulatory agencies (RWQCB, CDFWL, NMFS, USACE, CVFCD) to extend the in-water work permit window for critical path work to continue and avoid issuing a non-working day temporary suspension.