METROLINK Capital Projects
Bridge Projects Completed
04-3A23U3: Airport I/C + Soundwall
04-0A1853: Old Redwood Highway OC
04-4H6003: Rivers End Ret Walls
04-2E7203: Br. Deck Methacrylate OL
04-264143: Jameson Canyon Soil Nail
04-2640U3: Petaluma River Bridge
04-1A3203: Scofield OH Deck Rehab
04-2640K3: Reconstruct Lakeville IC
04-2640G3: Widen Bridge & HMA
04-264073: MSN B1 Redwood Landfill
04-2E7603: Treat Bridge; Jt Replace
04-1706U3: 5th Avenue Rte 880
04-3A9223: Widen Mainline and Br
04-3A9213: Widen Freeway, Replace OC
04-294913: 4th Caldecott Tunnel & Bldg
04-4A07U3: Rte 580 Truck Climbing Lane
04-450203: Tie-back & Soil Nail Walls
04-4A0103: McCune Creek Approach Slabs
04-0A0903: Widen Alamo Creek Bridge
04-0A0903: Richmond San Rafael
04-1A2903: Laguna De Santa Rosa Br
04-4S6203: Rock Point Tie-Back Wall
04-2908V3: I-580 WB Widening
04-2908C3: I-580 WB HOV Lane
04-2908E3: I-580 Rdway Widen & Rehab
04-265603: Replace San Pedro Creek Br
PreScience has been proudly providing engineering and construction support services to METROLINK for rail and transit infrastructure projects since 2016.
Featured Projects
Eastern Maintenance Facility
Pasadena Subdivision Crosstie Rehabilitation
Orange Subdivision Crosstie Rehabilitation
- Van Nuys North Platform Project
- Constructability Reviews
- Facility Upgrades
Significant Projects